Monthly Archives: May 2011

Things I wish I had time to do every week:

Title is pretty self explanatory. I just don’t feel like I have enough free time to do everything I want to every day.

Things that are a must:
Sleep (wish I could get 8 hours, but it’s usually 6-7)
Shower and get ready for the day
Work (usually about 9 hours)
Make and eat dinner (tbf helps with this one – usually an hour or more with clean up and cook time)

Things I wish I could do every week:
Yoga every day (or maybe 5 days)
Run every day
Lift weight two or three times
Do some proper wedding planning/research and feel like I got something accomplished
Read a book
Read a magazine
Finish a knitting project
Play some Wii
Watch at least one movie (one at home and one at the theater?)
Get a meal with a friend or two
Wander the city (when it’s nice out)
Blog every day
Photograph things

This doesn’t even include regular life chores. Man that would be a busy life, but I wish even more that I really had time to do all of this regularly.

April Showers

It has been raining a lot here lately and the other night a storm rolled through that made the city look really creepy. This is usually our view of the city at night:

While this storm was rolling through, this was our view. Mind you, it wasn’t raining when I took this, it’s not obstructed due to precipitation. The clouds just literally enveloped the city and settled thickly.

So creepy, right?

A couple days later another storm was rolling in while I was on my way home from work. Walking into my building, the Empire State Building looked so cool. There were somewhat opaque clouds drifting in front of it and it was back lit by the sun before it set. I went home, dropped off my purse and grabbed my camera. It didn’t look as cool by the time I got out to take pics, but these are a few of the neat ones I snapped.

See the spire? Just barely.