Monthly Archives: January 2008

My Weak

Sunday: dinner and SAG awards

Monday: State of the Union instead of American Gladiators (get my opinion on the State of the Union here)

Tuesday: Work until after 11

Wednesday: Work dinner Dinner and Project Runway; nurse my cold

Thursday: Work dinner; nurse my cold

Friday: Pizza and games

Saturday: Dinner in meatpacking

Sunday: Superbowl!!

Not gonna do it

I’m not well.  I’ve had a cold coming on since the weekend and I’ve been neglecting myself…for what?  For work.  I really need to work on this work/life balance.  Today I was alright when I woke up, but I was super hot while I was getting ready.  It wasn’t until I was on the subway that it hit me.  This cold is not in my head although it’s trying to make its way in.  So far it’s only affecting my voice…it’s very deep and raspy right now.  My body, however, is drained of energy.  I feel like I need to crawl into bed and stay there all day.  That would be amazing.  Napping, reading and SATCing.  One of the people I work very closely with told me to go home if I need to.  I’d love to, but I just feel like I have way too much to do.  One of these days I’m going to have to learn how to put myself before this team.  At least I enjoy what I do and who I do it with.

You know it’s too cold when…

You mistake a comment abeout the temperature for a comment about the time…

A: are you enjoying your long weekend?
Me: It is fantastic! How is/was your weekend?
A: i cooked all sat, and lounged all sunday
Me: nice
Me: it’s cold there, huh?
A: but it doesn’t compare to being in the snow
Me: It was 1 when I got up this morning
A: 40s, rainy
A: it could be worse
A: oooh nice
Me: haha
Me: I’m back in the city now and it’s about 15 here
A: oh you meant 1 F not 1PM
A: not so nice
Me: haha, yes. 1F
Me: ok, I’m gonna go run some errands.
Me: I will talk to you soon. Stay warm!
A: i’m more concerned about being warm
Me: you should be concerned about being warm…you don’t have a proper car..

I really like him…

It’s too bad he’ll never be elected.

me: I found a pres candidate I like.
A: who?
me: Ron Paul
I have to read up a bit more….
but I think I like him.
A: i do like him
me: really?!?
you like a republican?
A: he’s my fav republican
me: haha
A: he was awesome in the debate i watched
me: so we’re not TOTALLY different.
A: but he’s extremely against all abortion
me: so am I
me: it’s too bad he’ll never be elected.
A: really? all?
me: yup
A: i didn’t know that
me: yup
A: eh. doesn’t affect you anymore, since you’re old enough
me: which is why I asked you never to tell me if you did
A: oh yeah, i remember


Co-worker (4:43:58 PM): i would really like to kill myself
Me (4:44:01 PM): awww
Co-worker (4:44:11 PM): that meeting sucked
Me (4:44:22 PM): please don’t.  I mean if you do maybe there’s a chance I’d be promoted (yay!), but that’d be sad (boo!)
Co-worker (4:44:29 PM): lol
Co-worker (4:44:49 PM): i’ll contepmplate further and let you know
Me (4:45:00 PM): mk
Co-worker (4:45:03 PM): i’ll be sure to put the good word in, before offing myself
Me (4:45:18 PM): just don’t hit me with another heath ledger type surprise.  i’m not sure my heart could handle it.
Co-worker (4:45:25 PM): ha
Me (4:45:27 PM): so considerate of you

He doesn’t realize I’m not joking

Al (11:52:27 AM): Loser
Me (11:52:49 AM): poser
Al (11:53:38 AM): wanna be
Me (11:54:04 AM): it took you a minute and all you could come up with was “wanna be?”
Me (11:54:12 AM): Don’t forget…I don’t change my accent.
Al (11:54:41 AM): ohhhhhhhh, still upset that I can walk in both worlds and you can’t
Al (11:54:45 AM): sucks to be us
Al (11:54:49 AM): you*
Al (11:54:50 AM): not us
Me (11:55:17 AM): well, I’m sure it sucks to be you when you don’t know who you are so much so that you have to play 2 roles.
Al (11:56:18 AM): ouch, I am just multi layered… like an onion!
Me (11:56:51 AM): yup, I can see that…you def make me cry.
Al (11:57:25 AM): heart break doesn’t count honey
Me (11:57:39 AM): oh, no sweetie, you hurt me.  physically.
Me (11:58:06 AM): make my stomach a little ill too.  I mean, I didn’t realize it was you, but then you left and I quit feeling nauseous daily.
Me (12:00:52 PM): lunch
Al (12:12:45 PM): enjoy
Al (12:13:14 PM): by the way, I was thinking of a come back but nothing came to me and I got a phone call
Me (12:13:46 PM): haha
Me (12:13:49 PM): Point me.
Al (12:14:37 PM): you have won this day, but I shall return
Me (12:16:08 PM): mmhmmmm

Playing in the snow

I’m in another state for the weekend and I just got back from skiing for the first time ever.  Apparently I’m pretty decent for having never done it before.  I feel like my experience with competitive speed skating when I was young helped me a lot, I feel like all that skating made me more comfortable.  I did the “bunny hill” once and then did greens and blues.  I fell every time but other than my first time on a green I didn’t have any bad wipe outs.  I just kept getting to the point that I felt like I was going too fast and couldn’t slow down, so I would lose control after freaking myself out and fall, erm, gracefully. 

My first fall of the night was quite possibly the best.  I dove down face first and left a ski and both my poles scattered on the snow behind me.  Some little kid gave me one of my poles.  BF was my (as described so sweetly by him) “knight in shining armor.”  He stayed behind me most of the time to make sure I was ok and to pick me up when I fell.  I felt sort of bad because he is a good skier and didn’t really have the opportunity to take advantage of the night the way I feel like he should have been able to.  At first every time I fell I would laugh really hard; I was really uncomfortable.  Then I got more comfortable and less awkward feeling and quit laughing so ridiculously.  

One time we were on the ski lift and BF gave me a little kiss. I suppose skiing causes one to become statically charged because it shocked us both. What can I say, when we’re together sparks fly. Heh. Every time he tried to get close to me after that I got the lean in with the nose move. Haha.

All in all I had a really good time, but I can already feel that I am going to be really sore tomorrow.  It’s supposed to be really cold tomorrow, so we will see if we go out into town at all.   I’m ok with watching movies and hanging.  I really enjoyed playing in the snow though, I haven’t been able to do that as an adult.

Update: We did go into the city yesterday. We went bowling and out to dinner. Very fun. It wasn’t as cold as I expected, but today the temperature was 1 and in the negatives with the wind chill. Today I’m still sore from Saturday night. My obliques and the muscles down the back of my neck are what’s the most sore. I had an awesome weekend and it was SO nice to get out of the city for the weekend!

A life change

I have a new boyfriend. This post is all you will get about him on here. He might dispute some of these things:

-we’ve been “talking” since some time in November I would say
-we started dating/hanging out mid-late December
-we decided we wanted to really be together about 2 weeks ago
-I am so very happy
-he is NOTHING like OPH
-it’s been really fast, but it’s also been very good

That is all. I just wanted to make it known.


So my most serious, long term, very EX boyfriend is coming up to visit, but he is not coming up to visit me. He is coming to New York to visit his sort-of-a-fling, she’s-fun-to-have-around, I-don’t-think-I-really-like-her, and I-don’t-want-to-date-her-when-I-move-across-the-country-in-a-few-months girlfriend’s dad who lives across the river. Now, let me start off by saying we broke up. We broke up almost 5 years ago. He tried to get back with me and I wouldn’t have it. We broke up for reasons, many of them, that were solid and sound and legitimate. We will not date again and I think of him quite platonically at this point in my life. In fact, sometimes he annoys the crap out of me. I do not want to date him, and as far as I know, he no longer wants to date me. I would not hook up with him. I am a grown ass woman and I can be trusted to be in a crowded restaurant “alone” with my oh-so-ex-boyfriend.

So he called this last weekend to tell me he was coming here. I got all excited and we talked about when and where he would stay and what he wanted to do any why, etc. With that conversation came a, “well, here’s the thing.” So his new girl he doesn’t want to get serious about got him the plane ticket as his Christmas present…and he’s coming here to meet her Dad. He said he wasn’t sure she’s be ok with him seeing me. *gasp!* Are you kidding me?! We dated 5 years ago. Clearly it has ended and has remained ended. So the more we spoke the more he said he didn’t think she would “allow” him to see me. I’m astonished…allow?!? How can he allow this girl to keep him from seeing me. You come to where I live and don’t see me because a girl you’re not sure how you feel about is insecure and slightly jealous?!

If my current boyfriend had a problem with me meeting a long past ex-boyfriend for a drink or some food I’d tell him to get some confidence and walk out the door. Clearly we are broken up and the reasons were good enough to keep us apart for the last 5 years. All of the sudden that’s just supposed to change because we’re now in another city, so we can’t see each other? How super lame is that?!? Plus, consider this. Right now I live in New York. He lives in random Texas city. Not convenient for an affair. In March he will be moving to random as-far-away-as-you-can-imagine-in-the-continental-US city, definitely not conducive to an affair. I think this entire situation is ludicrous. There are a few things that need to be done here: 1) she needs to get secure in herself and in their relationship, 2) he needs to buck up and end it as he’s told me he plans to so that he doesn’t continue to mess with her feelings and screw up her psyche, or 3) he needs to decide to be fully in the relationship with her and rather than walking on egg-shells to keep her happy, he can provide her security in the relationship so that she is comfortable when he says, “I am going to go visit with my ex for a while.”

This coming to my city and not being allowed to see me bit is absolutely not ok with me.

That’s 100%

So far I’m 2 for 2.  Tonight will make 3…nights in a row to the gym…yay!!  I am soooo sore right now though.  I kicked the shit out of my obliques Monday night and they hurt more now than they did yesterday.  When I walk and my hips move I can feel how sore my obliques are as a result of that movement.  It’s awesome and painful (but in a good way).  Yesterday I just ran and stretched, I’m not at the point where I want to work my legs again, running to get back into the swing of things is good for now.  I hate how inflexible I am, but I love being back in the gym.   I’m looking forward to going back tonight and watching some ridiculous, terrible, mindless tv where I can forget about the crazy world that is my life at work.