Category Archives: Wants


I must admit, I am 100% out of touch with gas prices. Living in New York and not owning a car or driving does that to you. Maybe if I was an investment banker or even remotely interested in the stock market I’d have a better idea? In my head, a gallon of gas should cost $2.50 because that’s what it cost the last time I drove, but I can remember gas costing $0.99 which makes $2 a little more of what I think it really ought to cost. In reality, it’s what, $4 a gallon? Clearly, this is like monopoly to me. It’s not real.

Unfortunately, for so many people I know, this is a very real, very upsetting part of every day life. As a product of the rise in the price of gas, several friends have posted about riding or buying bikes on Facebook, which I am more than supportive of. I love it! I want a bike so badly and I would get one if I wasn’t certain I’d be hit by a cab and die. Some day, when we leave New York I’ll get a bike. 1. Because I’ll want to go on bike rides with my children like my parents did with me. 2. Because it’s healthy. 3. Because, in my idealistic mind, I’ll ride it to work which will keep me healthy and save me gas money. (I’m aware there are also environmental benefits, but if I’m being completely honest, that’s not at the top of my priority list, money, not sitting in rush hour traffic, and health are.)

All these posts and comments from friends have made me start thinking about the kind of bike I’d like to get when I get one. Something in a fun color. A hybrid – not like a hybrid car, but a cross between a mountain bike and a road bike. I’m not going to be competitively racing, nor will I been in the woods. Something under $700 and over $300. I feel like this puts me in the not exorbitantly expensive but not poor quality area. Don’t misunderstand, however, this does not mean I won’t buy something on sale or discounted. I want a name I know and something that has good reviews. I will probably end up with a Trek, but who knows. Just in looking around for pictures for this post, I found many manufacturers are making “Town” bikes. I’ll definitely be researching more before buying, but here are a couple that caught my eye:

Scarf Love

I am currently trying to distract myself from all the light, beautiful springy scarves that I have subjected myself to and then forbidden myself to buy. My internal dialogue is currently going something like this:

Winey, lacking self-control self: “But they’re so pretty and I waaannntt them.”
Rational self: “I know, but $200 just isn’t justifiable.”
WLS-CS: “But what if I have a gift card??”
*rummages through purse in a vain attempt at finding gift cards to purchase scarves with*
WLS-CS: “But they’d make me so happy.”
RS: “Yes, and then the hubs would lock me in a closet.”
WLS-CS: “But we could hide them from him.”
RS: “Riiight, he wouldn’t see me dance around with wear them every single day.”
WLS-CS: “Well, at least I would get a lot of use out of them.”

This has been going on all day. Someone, please donate these to my cause.

Meet DVF.

Now, meet Marc.

I’m in love.

Things I wish I had time to do every week:

Title is pretty self explanatory. I just don’t feel like I have enough free time to do everything I want to every day.

Things that are a must:
Sleep (wish I could get 8 hours, but it’s usually 6-7)
Shower and get ready for the day
Work (usually about 9 hours)
Make and eat dinner (tbf helps with this one – usually an hour or more with clean up and cook time)

Things I wish I could do every week:
Yoga every day (or maybe 5 days)
Run every day
Lift weight two or three times
Do some proper wedding planning/research and feel like I got something accomplished
Read a book
Read a magazine
Finish a knitting project
Play some Wii
Watch at least one movie (one at home and one at the theater?)
Get a meal with a friend or two
Wander the city (when it’s nice out)
Blog every day
Photograph things

This doesn’t even include regular life chores. Man that would be a busy life, but I wish even more that I really had time to do all of this regularly.

Bridesmaids Dress

Holy crap – I LOVE this dress and want my bridesmaids to wear it. $2,945 isn’t too much to ask them to spend, right?

Current Fashion “Needs”

I got my tax return today and the responsible part of me is at great odds with the lover of pretty things in me. I should put my tax return in my savings account immediately. But I really, really want these:

As seen on Emma in last week’s episode of Glee – the Anthropologie Pom Flower Shift Dress

This Sunny Soiree Dress from Anthropologie that I would completely rock.

The hipster in me wants this dress, but I don’t think it would look good on me.

I am getting into flat/sandal mindset because nice weather is starting to try to peek it’s head through the clouds and snow. I want to be able to gallivant around town in these adorable flats from Aldo.

How I Met Your Mother Jacket

Monday night in San Francisco after playing trampoline dodgeball, some friends and I ended up watching the episode of How I Met Your Mother that Katy Perry guest starred on. That’s the first time I’ve seen the show. So funny!

On the show, one of the characters wore a jacket that I absolutely loved. (About 11 minutes into the “Oh, Honey” episode.) While we were watching, I made a comment that I have gotten really good at seeing clothes or shoes on tv or wherever and searching them out on the internet. When I got to work on Wednesday (my first day back after vacation), it took me three clicks to find it. I’m getting good at this!

Bird by Juicy Couture ‘Brittney’ Suede Trip Peplum Waist Leather Jacket for $1150

Why must I always have insanely expensive taste. The more I look at this jacket, the more I love it. The more I love it, the more I consider splurging. Then I mentally slap myself and ask if I’m crazy. Once that’s all through, I stare at it, realize I have a sewing machine (with very elementary sewing skills) and think, how hard could it really be to make this? Then I think through how I would do it and get really excited. Then I realize if I try I will probably waste countless hours and lots of money and end up with something that looks like a Home Ec project. It’s all so depressing.

Russel Stover Marshmallow Anythings

Earlier this year (during the Easter season), I discovered that I love Russel Stover’s Marshmallow eggs. They’re pretty much amazing.

Well, yesterday I was at the drug store picking up a few things and they had some clearanced Halloween candy – including Russel Stover pumpkin marshmallows. I bought one and just had it after I finished my lunch. Wishing I had about 12 more.


30 Day Challenge

Last week I got an email from the Yoga studio I go to detailing a 30 day challenge they are having – easy – practice yoga every day for 30 days. I was immediately excited and would LOVE to do this. The problem here is that with my schedule and their schedule, I can already see that 30 days every day isn’t possible for me, I’d need them to have earlier morning classes and every day.

BUT, I decided that I’d like to challenge myself to my own 30 day challenge. I’ve been really bad about working out lately and have been feeling guilty about it – I needed a reason to get back on the wagon. So! My challenge:

Work out every day for 30 days for at least 30 minutes a day. At the end of the 30 days, if I am successful I will buy one or both of these for myself:

In gray.

The tough part to this challenge is I generally just buy things I want. I’ve been trying lately though to be good about my spending and these are fairly expensive, so I know I would feel guilty just buying them. I’m hoping if my challenge to myself is a success I won’t feel guilty for the reward.

I. lack. motivation.

Rebecca Taylor

Through Lizzie on Entourge, I have recently discovered Rebecca Taylor. She has some dresses I love. Lizzie wore this one on Entourage a few weeks ago and I LOVED it. Let me caveat by saying, it fit her much better at the top than this fits the model.

While searching for the dress above (I’m really good at seeing something somewhere, not knowing what or who it is and finding it on the internet – ah, the byproduct of my generation) I found this dress, which I actually think I love a little more:


My parents are coming this weekend, which means lots to do before then.

I need some lilacs (my favorite flower) and some white tulips on my dining table, stat! I always forget how much I love lilacs until spring rolls around and then I’m pleasantly surprised when I start seeing them around. It takes me back to the bushes we had in the yard when I was younger and how I could have spent all day with my nose stuck in a bush.

Photos found on Oh, Happy Day!